Consumer Alert

If You’ve Purchased AA Batteries In the Past 24 Months You Must See This NOW

After you see the following consumer alert, we guarantee you’ll never buy traditional AA batteries again.

Here’s why.

There is a major problem with AA batteries.

A problem that doesn’t just cost you money… but could also leave your family in serious danger during a crisis.

Which is why it’s important you see this urgent warning before you purchase another single AA battery.

What Duracell, Energizer, and Others Don’t Want You To Know About Their Batteries

For years, major battery companies like Duracell, Energizer, etc. have enjoyed major success as millions of Americans have continually bought their batteries – because there simply wasn’t any alternative.

But the days of easy money for the battery companies are coming to an end, as a brand new invention has made the traditional AA battery obsolete.

Not many people realize it, but the technology in the standard AA battery has remained virtually unchanged since it was invented in 1907.

And the only major improvements to the AA battery happened in 1969 when they figured out how to make them rechargeable.

Sadly, for the past 100 years Duracell, Energizer, Rayovac and other companies have been happily taking your money…

Without ever coming out with a better, more powerful product.

Not only is that totally unfair for consumers...

If you’re someone who tries to prepare for the worst, it’s actually left a huge hole in your defenses.

Fortunately, a brand new AA battery technology is finally here.

This technology will change how AA batteries are bought forever… and you’re about to see the amazing reason why…

Introducing the Ultra Charge AA Battery…
And Why It Could Be the Last Battery You Ever Buy

Today, we’d like to show you the brand new battery technology that’s changing how people buy batteries forever.

It’s the USB Rechargeable AA Battery.

Also known as the Ultra Charge.

The Ultra Charge features may look like a standard AA battery, but it’s a lot better.

The reason it’s far superior to traditional AA batteries has to do with how it recharges.

Combining a special battery technology originally invented by Mercedes Benz and the ultra-reliable USB interface found on computers...

The Ultra Charge is the world’s leading USB Rechargeable Battery.

This specialized tip you see below is a USB charging tip… and it lets you charge these batteries anywhere there’s a USB port.

That gives you hundreds – if not thousands – of different options for quick charging.

There isn’t a Duracell or Energizer on the planet that does that.

Here are just a handful of places you can charge your Ultra Charge battery.

  • Plug it into computer to bring it to full power
  • Hook it up to your phone’s USB charging block to get some juice
  • Link it up to a portable power bank to charge it on a whim
  • Have your car give it a quick jolt of energy

Truly, there are endless charging options.

Even better?

The Ultra Charge charges faster than other rechargeable AA batteries...

a full hour faster, as a matter of fact.

That means you waste less time waiting for your batteries to charge…

…and more time using your device.

This fact alone makes the Ultra Charge the obvious best choice for powering household electronics.

But where the Ultra Charge really shines is the incredible way it’ll help save your life.

The Obvious Reason the Ultra Charge Is the #1 Battery for Crisis Situations

Many of the survival tools you own (flashlights, radios, emergency beacons, etc.) are likely powered by AA batteries.

And if you’re caught in a crisis and don’t have Ultra Charge batteries in them… you could be facing a big problem when they eventually die.

Here’s why:

Once non-rechargeable batteries die, they’re dead and you won’t get any further use out of them.

So, if you want to make sure your devices are always powered, you’ll have to carry a backpack full of AA batteries with you just so you can use your gear.

Not ideal in a crisis.

Regular rechargeable batteries aren’t much better.

Whenever they die, they can only recharge in a special wall-mounted charger.

Obviously if you’re out in the middle of the woods… miles from an outlet… and your batteries die, then you’re screwed…

The Ultra Charge fixes both of these problems.

Since the Ultra Charge is charged via USB, you can charge anywhere on the planet.

Whether that’s:

  • Hooked up to a portable solar charger…
  • Using a spare battery bank…
  • With a hand-crank generator…

It can be charged anywhere there’s USB power.

All other batteries just can’t do that.

In fact, there’s a lot more that the Ultra Charge does that normal AA batteries could never do.

Take a look.

6 Incredible Reasons The Ultra Charge Is The Best AA Battery Ever

  • Loaded With MORE Power: Every Ultra Charge Battery has a large capacity battery bank. With a whopping 1450 MaH, the Ultra Charge Battery has more than enough power to keep most standard electronics powered for hours of constant use.

  • Incredibly Lightweight: Thanks to a new battery core, each Ultra Charge battery weighs just 0.80 oz. That’s 25% lighter than other AA batteries, which translates into critical weight savings when you pack them into a go-bag or place them in an electronic device.

  • Charges Anywhere In the World: Since the Ultra Charge battery charges via USB, you can literally charge them anywhere in the world.

    Many people use portable solar chargers to get them charged while they’re miles from civilization – but that’s just one of the many ways you can charge these batteries virtually everywhere.

  • Built to Last: The Ultra Charge Battery isn’t just a great survival tool since it can be charged via solar… it’s also built tough. It features a robust aluminum casing, and the removable cap is made from durable thermo-molded plastic.

    This means it’ll last a long time, even in the worst conditions – giving you peace of mind it’ll always be there when you need it!

  • Super Fast Charging: The Ultra Charge Battery charges a full hour faster than standard rechargeable AAs, making it one of the fastest charging rechargeable batteries around... no more waiting around to get a full charge!

  • Guaranteed to Save You Money: Because the Ultra Charge Battery will give you 500+ full recharges, it will save your $100s of dollars when compared to buying regular batteries.

When you look at that list, you can easily see why the Ultra Charge has been called one of the best new technology innovations of the decade!

They’ll perfectly power all AA powered electronics you own.

From remotes to flashlights, they’ll work time and time again.

And they’ll save you massive amounts of money in the future…

But even more important...

With the Ultra Charge batteries in your toolkit, you’ll be ready for any kind of crisis.

However, the best part is…

Today, You Can Get Your Ultra Charge Batteries for 50% OFF

From the cost savings to the fact these USB charged batteries will charge anywhere...

It’s easy to see why the Ultra Charge is the best AA battery on the planet.

Since these batteries use a very new technology, they typically have a fairly high retail price of around $56.

Fortunately, if you’d like to get your Ultra Charge batteries today without paying retail, you can.

Here’s how you can get a 4 pack of them for just $27.97 – instead of paying $56 retail.

We’re Modern Needs - a leading supplier of emergency preparedness gear at affordable prices.

Our mission is very simple…

To give Americans dual-purpose products that both keep them and their families safe from unforgiving disasters and that can also be used to enjoy the great outdoors.

And this deal on Ultra Charge batteries is no different.

Today, we’d like to offer you a 4-Pack of Ultra Charge Batteries for just $27.97.

That’s 50% OFF the normal retail price.

(And you can get an even bigger discount if you grab more than one pack).

This is an incredible deal, not just because of the 50% OFF discount… but also because of the fact that you may never have to buy normal AA batteries ever again!

Imagine the money you’ll save… and imagine the lives you could save too!

If you want to save big on Ultra Charge batteries just click the big green button below.

Grab Your Ultra Charge Batteries ASAP!
(We Cannot Promise This Deal Will Be Available After Today)

To get this great deal on the Ultra Charge batteries, you need to get them today!

Although we do our best to anticipate demand, we have limited supply on our inventory.

And any time we run a big discount like this, there’s always a risk we’ll sell out.

We order the Ultra Charge batteries one batch at a time.

And once we run out of Ultra Charges, we can’t tell you exactly when they’ll be back in stock.

If you click the big green button below and act now, we can guarantee you’ll be able to buy your Ultra Charge Batteries today.

But if you decide to wait…

We cannot promise this deal will still be available later.

So don’t wait...

These batteries are incredibly popular because of how they save money and can save your life.

Claim your discounted Ultra Charge Batteries for just $27.97 now!

On the Fence? Here’s Our Rock-Solid Money-Back Guarantee

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase of these Ultra Charge Batteries today.

We also want you to enjoy the heck out of the incredible deal you’re getting… as well as every deal you get when you purchase something from us.

That’s why we’re giving you our rock-solid unconditional money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you’re not happy with your purchase, we offer a lifetime guarantee on our products.

We hate the idea of having an unhappy customer…

And we’re honest and hardworking just like you – so we’re not going to sit idly by and let you be dissatisfied if you bought something from us that didn’t live up to your expectations.

So if you’re not satisfied with even the smallest aspect of your order, just give us a call or email to get ALL your money back.

That’s a real American guarantee – and one we’re proud to stand behind.

We won’t keep a cent of your hard-earned cash if you’re not beyond thrilled with your purchase today.

Sounds fair?

If so…

Click the big green button below to get your Ultra Charge Batteries 50% OFF today!

Remember, we can only promise you this deal right now on this page. If you leave and come back, it might not be here any longer!

Get your Ultra Charge Batteries now before it’s too late!

Frequently Asked Questions
About Ultra Charge Batteries

Q: Can I really charge these in any USB port?

A: Yes, you can recharge Ultra Charge Batteries in literally any USB port – your computer, phone charger, or even your car if it has one.

Q: How can I charge these while off-the-grid?

A: There are several ways to charge Ultra Charge Batteries while you’re away from an electrical outlet. All you need is a USB power outlet (like your phone charger), and then you can use that to charge via a solar generator, power bank, crank generator, or any number of off-the-grid power sources.

Q: How long does a single charge last?

A: The Ultra Charge is a high-capacity rechargeable battery. The exact amount of time a single charge will last depends on the device you’re using them in, but you can expect them to last just as long or longer than a standard AA battery.

Q: What is the lifespan of Ultra Charge Batteries?

A: Ultra Charge Batteries are guaranteed to last for a full 500+ charge cycles. If you were to use them every single day, you’d still likely get at least a few years from a single set of them.

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