URGENT - The Next 288 Americans To Act NOW Will Get
A Discounted Copy Of My Pandemic-Survival Book

50% OFF For a Limited Time

“The First 72 Hours Survival Guide”

More than 281,131 people gladly paid $38 For My 1st Book - Get my newest Book for $19 (50% OFF)

I wish I had come across your book sooner Damian. It would have saved me literally days of internet searching and info compilation. It’s well worth the money!


How I Predicted Coronavirus Chaos

And How I Will Help You Survive THIS Crisis Or
Anything Else That Comes Our Way

12/19/2022: From the Desk of Best-Selling Author Damian Campbell

If the coronavirus chaos caught you somewhat by surprise and has caused you even the least bit of anxiety I have some good news for you.

And good news in a world full of bad news is something I’m sure you want to hear.

The good news is I predicted just about everything that’s happening today with the Coronavirus, back in 2011.

And anyone who got my original book and used the info inside is probably looking at this whole scenario and laughing since they’re 100% prepared.

More importantly is that today I have a fool-proof formula that’ll boost your chances of surviving this crisis - or ANY crisis that could come our way.

Even better is I’m going to share my fool-proof formula with you today inside my brand new book -- which you can get half off on this page.

My name is Damian Campbell.

I’m one of the main guys who put “Prepping” on the map back around 2010.

From 2010-2011 I sold 281,131 copies of my book “37 Items Sold Out After Crisis” for $38 a copy.

People purchased my book because they could see America was heading in the wrong direction, and they wanted to prepare.

Today, December 19, 2022 the warnings I issued are coming to pass.

And because I’m retired and don’t rely on book sales as much anymore… I’d like to give you my newest and most complete survival book “The First 72 Hours” for 50% OFF.

Damian’s book “The First 72 Hours” was easy for a novice like me to understand. It’s packed with a lot of good, easily understood, practical information and shows you how to utilize what you’ve learned clearly.


IF You Don’t Know The Answers To These
Questions - You Need This Free Book

No one could have predicted a virus similar to the flu would send the stock market tumbling.

Or cause the government to FORCE people to stay inside their homes or risk jail time for walking down the street.

Now that we’ve witnessed one of the oddest and most economically destructive times in the last 100+ years I think everyone can agree it’s essential to be prepared for the worst-case-scenario.

But here’s the problem.

99% of Americans STILL DON’T KNOW how to effectively plan for the worst-case-scenario.

And that likely includes you.

And that’s why I’m giving away discounted copies of “The First 72 Hours.”

Inside you’ll discover life-saving secrets such as:

  • When everyone was stockpiling toilet-paper, were you stocking up on this? It’s cheap, easy to find, and will actually save your life. Turn to page 37 for this secret.
  • Guess which common “Survival Food” is completely wrong to stockpile? The military might use them, but you should never buy them. That’s on page 19.
  • Any idea what 3 simple steps you should take when your community is shut down owing to martial law to survive the possible? You’ll find that on pages 83-88.
  • Can you list the top 3 mistakes that could get you killed AFTER people begin making runs on banks, grocery stores and department stores? Head to page 71 for this.
  • Do you know the best way to avoid being killed by a bad guy with a gun in the event that people “Snap” and start going on killing sprees? Go to page 53 for that answer.
  • Could you identify the #1 way to prepare for a day when the pharmacies close? This is 100% legal and is on page 16.

My entire book is stuffed to the gills with simple, easy-to-digest info you’ll be able to use to survive the coronavirus disaster OR any crisis you may encounter.

And like I said the next 288 people who claim a copy will get one for 50% OFF.

Hey Damian, I am about halfway through your book The First 72 Hours and find it very interesting. The means by which to build a food stockpile seems less daunting than before, taking it step by step rather than looking at the huge mountain. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book. I believe some of my family and friends would benefit from the knowledge it contains. Thanks for helping me get prepared!


Damian's book The First 72 Hours has enlightened me with good ideas and good information. It’s written in a clear manner and is concise and to the point manner for easy comprehension of writing. Damian tells you exactly what to do when the "SHTF". Thanks, Damian, I’m grateful for helping me prepare for the worst to come!


Even More Tips and Tricks From “The First 72 Hours” Will Help Keep You Alive After Everything Crashes

The truth of the matter is what I’ve been warning about for years is coming to pass right before your eyes.

And even if we ESCAPE THIS…

I promise an event far worse could easily send our country into the gutter even faster than you can say “coronavirus.”

Your copy of “The First 72 Hours” will also show you…

  • Where to get the top 3 crucial items even if you’re barely making ends-meet and are deep in debt…
  • The top items that are just as good as name-brand but a fraction of the cost (a lot of big companies try to hide these “trade names” from consumers to keep you spending)…
  • How to use items you’ve already got sitting in your cupboard as substitutes (something that’s not perfect is always better than nothing!)…
  • How to use this delicious food to its fullest. Use it to increase the life of any vegetables and clean-up any dangerous spills and keep your house safe without toxic chemicals.

My book will give you this and more than 231 additional tips and tricks.

All of them guaranteed to keep you from suffering through a crisis.

Damian, I found your book The First 72 Hours supremely interesting and helpful. Thank you for the info. I now feel that I’m prepared and can help my family. Again, thank you!


Here’s Why I’m Giving My Book Away For 50% OFF
And Why You MUST Get It Now!

Like I said… normally my books sell for $38 apiece.

But today, I want you to have my newest book for just $19 -- for 50% OFF.

The reason I’m doing that is simple.

People need to get prepared.

Millions of people have trusted me in the past to help them prepare…

And my new book is the best resource I know of for getting you a bullet-proof preparedness plan to help you weather any storm.

But it can only help you if you have it in your hands when you need it!

That’s why your discounted copy will be rush shipped to you after you click the green button on this page and fill out your info…

And I’d expect you’ll want to share it with everyone you know.

If I were you, I’d leave it on the coffee table or your nightstand, so you always have access to the critical info inside.

Whatever you do, don’t ignore my offer to get this book 50% OFF today.

The chaos you see in America today is only going to get worse.

And because of harassment and censorship from Leftist Internet companies, I may be stopped from giving this to you here in the future!

Well, I thought I was prepared before, but after reading the book it was an eye-opener how unprepared I was. Thanks to The First 72 Hours I am able to make adjustments to be more prepared for whatever may come my way in the future. I will be passing the book on to a family member for them to read after I reread a few sections of the book. I would like to thank you for the book Damian, it’s great!


When You Get Your Copy Of “The First 72 Hours” I’ll Also Give You These Free Bonuses

When you grab your discounted copy today, I’m also going to include 2 in-depth training manuals that show you how to treat major medical issues -- as well as survive off the land, just like our ancestors did.

Claiming a copy of “The First 72 Hours” will also get you my 91-page ebook “The Modern Medicine Man” as well as my 250-page ebook “Pioneer Preparedness” for FREE.

These essential reads won’t just help you survive for years during and after a crisis…

You can start using much of the material here today to save money and to improve the quality of your life.

These books will show you:

  • How to make your own penicillin from old food.

  • The incredible way to amass large stockpiles of name-brand and generic drugs.

  • The “medicineless” way to help someone survive a heart attack.

  • The correct way to set broken bones. Setting them in the wrong way could actually kill the person you’re trying to treat.

  • Native American secrets for making a home invincible to natural disaster.

  • The top 50 items you FORGOT to put in your bug out bag… (I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s aware of 90% of these “Must Have Items”… but you’ll have every last one of them now.

  • Ancient ways to make an energizing anti-cancer superfood.

  • What pioneers did to stop themselves from going insane during famine.

Along with hundreds of other additional tips and tricks that’ll help you keep yourself, your family, and your community alive…

These books retail for $76.

But I’ll send you access to the entire series completely FREE when you claim your discounted copy of “The First 72 Hours.”

You’ll get complete access to our email support system so you can get help when needed.

If all this sounds fair then don’t wait another second.

See How Much People Love “The First 72 Hours”

I’ve been selling copies of “The First 72 Hours” for the past year for as much as $38.

And if you’ll remember, more than 281,131 people have paid $38 For My 1st Book - “Sold Out After Crisis.”

People love what I have to write and if I were to share all the testimonials I could get it would take you days to read them.

Here’s a small sample of what people are saying:

Damian, as a first responder I thought I was doing ok with being prepared. However, when I started reading your book I was pleasantly surprised at what I was reading and found out I wasn’t as prepared as I thought.

I like how the book was broken up and how each topic was underlined so you can see where the topics began.

I also liked that there were ideas of what types of classes to look for when it comes to first aid. Being a first responder I have the training, I just didn’t know how to break it down to help my family become prepared. Without sharing the book I can make notes to help them look for first aid classes.

Damian, you’ve put things into perspective and how one who thinks they are prepared there is always something more you can do. We only have one life. And I’m now prepared to live mine without fear! ~CP

Damian, I enjoyed your book because it helped me think and plan. Others should read this book! ~MJ

The First 72 Hours is an excellent book, easy to read, easy to follow. It covers an extremely wide range of topics, providing input on many scenarios a person might experience should we be faced with issues such as the ones discussed in the book.

Excellent reading!!!!


The First 72 Hours was a beautifully written book that every adult smart enough to know better will enjoy from cover to cover. I personally believe every individual that has a brain and knows it’s important to be prepared should get on the stick and order this wonderful book!

It contains the information that all of us patriots know as gospel! Hence, get off the couch and get this book immediately! Do not "pass Go, do not collect your $200.00" Just get moving. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!



Do Not Wait - While I CAN’T Predict The Future I Can Guarantee You’ll Regret Not Getting “The First 72 Hours” While It’s Still Available!

There have been major political disruptions these past few weeks that lead me to believe S is gonna hit the F!

Meaning you cannot afford to be without this information.

If you decide to wait… I can’t predict what will happen to you, but I can guess that if you’re not ready you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

Don’t wait. Claim your discounted copy now and I’ll rush ship it to you TODAY!